Interactive Boardroom
Virtual Boardrooms are fully interactive with all attendees participating in an active discussion. For this reason, limited seats are available. Topics are driven by and for the Intelligent Enterprise community and discussions are not recorded or made available to the public. To create the best experience for everyone it is required that all attendees have their cameras on and mic’s enabled. Please do not attend with the intent to observe. Please attend and participate!
February 25, 2022 | 10am EST
With the explosion in demand and reliance on IoT, smart devices and other connected physical assets there has been a corresponding explosion of data that organizations are collecting and needing to analyze for insights. However the challenge has been that transmitting data back and forth between a central point and the edge takes time and bandwidth. This has resulted in a recent snowball of demand for edge computing and analytics. Edge analytics allows for insights to be drawn at the devices where the data is gathered, enabling greater flexibility in where and how data analytics is carried out and allowing D&A teams to more broadly scale their capabilities and extend their impact into more areas of the business. Join this boardroom to discuss with the community:
Discussion Leader:
Ted Furlong, Chief Data Scientist, Baker Hughes
Patrick D. Bangert, Vice President of AI, Samsung SDS
If you would like to request an invitation please contact the Community Director at